Did you know you can save money and earn money at the same time?
We have great news for those of you that are within SCE&G’s operating territory. SCE&G has several programs that can not only help you reduce your electricity usage, but also provide you with money, rebates and discounts in the process. Click here to find out how to lower your monthly energy costs, become more eco-friendly, and earn some extra cash. They also will come to your home to perform a Home Energy Check-up which includes:
- A custom report with steps you can take to improve your home’s overall energy usage
- A personalized energy consumption overview
- Specifics on using your thermostat efficiently
- Details on how your HVAC system works
- Overview of your home’s past energy usage
- Details on how weather affects your consumption
Here are some more ideas on how you can create savings in your home today:
Looking to cut back due to a tight budget or ready to go green? Here are 10 quick and easy tips to accomplish both:
• Unplug appliances and electronics. TVs, computers and kitchen appliances, as well as cell phone and laptop chargers, all use energy when they are plugged in—even if they are turned off.
• Use power strips. “Smart” power strips automatically turn off when electronics are off or when one main unit (like your personal computer) is powered down.
• Turn off lights. When you’re not in the room or not in the house, there’s no need for all the lights to be on.
• Clean and replace furnace or air conditioner filters. Dirty filters block air flow, increase energy bills and shorten equipment life.
• In the warmer months, keep the shades and blinds down on south-, east- and west-facing windows. In the colder months, open them up and let the sun in.
• Activate “sleep” features on your computer and office equipment. When they go unused for a long period of time, they power down.
• Lower the thermostat. Wear a sweater around the house and put an extra blanket on the bed at night.
• Use fans instead of air conditioning when possible or combine their use to turn down the air temperature a bit.
• Close vents and doors to unused rooms.
• Wash your laundry with cold water. It’s just as effective.
Check with the Alliance to Save Energy at www.ase.org for more energy- and money-saving tips.